While we’ve already devoted an entire article to heim joints, having a nice visual component is always helpful. So when we found this video from our pals over at Rock Krawler Suspension that explains how to choose the best rod end, we thought you should see it too.
The roughly five minute video will talk in detail about heim joint rod end designs. You’ll learn about the various types of heim joints, specific use cases for each one, and some variables to consider when selecting the best heim joint rod end for your particular car, off-road truck, or SUV.
You’ll also hear some common terminology and construction methods that can play a huge factor in your rod end selection process.
If you’re thinking about adding heim joints somewhere in your on- or off-road setup, or if you’re building a completely custom suspension system or specialized steering, pedal, or throttle linkage, it’s definitely worth the watch. Check it out below: