In past updates we freshened up this LM7 V8 by installing a mix of quality replacement parts and Summit Racing‘s Pro LS Series high performance goodies to complement our turbocharged combo nicely.
There’s still a few important jobs to do before we can button up this engine, like a rocker arm upgrade using Summit Racing’s LS Series Retrofit Trunnion Kit and installing the valve covers and lifter valley cover with new gaskets.
Once these jobs are crossed off the list, it’ll be time to answer that crucial, age-old engine swap question: “Hey, is this thing even gonna fit in here?!”
Need to catch up? See the first four parts of the Project Firebolt series here:
- Part 1: Project Firebolt: The LSX Turbo Tacoma (Part 1): The Master Plan and Engine Arrive
- Part 2: Project Firebolt: The LSX Turbo Tacoma (Part 2): Engine Teardown Time
- Part 3: Project Firebolt: The LSX Turbo Tacoma (Part 3): Engine Mods & Reassembly
- Part 4: Project Firebolt: The LSX Turbo Tacoma (Part 4): The Teardown






what a hack, cut the core support
That was my thought too! I also wouldn’t have cut the motor mounts until I was dead sure that the engine/trans were exactly where they need to be.
Wait… Was that a Figaro? That definitely qualifies as complicated!