Every year, the folks at Summit Racing ask a question or two on their Facebook and Instagram pages about customers’ memories with their Dads. And every year, we collect some of our favorites to share.
Want to read some of the previous examples? Check these out:
Readers Recall Car Memories With Dad
The 10 Things We Learn from Gearhead Dads
Readers Recall Fatherly Moments as Both Kids and Parents
The 2021 edition of “Your Favorite Memories with Dad” is below, and feel free to add more to the comments section at the bottom of the page!
- “I remember when the starter on his old Bug died. He rebuilt it on my mom’s new kitchen table. She wasn’t happy.” – Mark M.
- “Teaching me to drive a 3-on-the-tree Dodge pickup.” – Michael K.
- “Him swearing at a Quadrajet in a 1978 C20 while I was sitting on the fender.” – Colt S.
- “Handing him tools. Didn’t learn the ‘special magic words’ that he used to make things fit though.” – Bill F.
- “My dad let me steer the car when I was 4 years old.” – Mike B.

- “Holding a flashlight & getting yelled at.” – Rob P.
- “Doing burnouts in his 73 f100 with a 429 and three on the tree.” – Doc T.
- “Watching him drag race on weekends! I got to eat a lot of Superman ice cream!” – Joshua C.
- “The smile he had when I first brought home my ’65 Impala.” – James R
- “Watching Dad compete in division six since my conception…then Dad watching me.” – Neal D.

- “Helping my dad build his 1973 340 duster, the first time I ever held a wrench.” – Carl K.
- “I couldn’t get the tune up correct. He listened for about 30 seconds, tweaked here and there, then it lit the tires up half throttle. No dwell or tach, just by ear.” – Kevin W.
- “Dirt track racing on Friday nights.” – Dan F,
- “Learning to do body work at age 7.” – Dawn W.

- “Summers in his semi on the open road.” – Jay K.
- “Learning new cuss words at 8 years old.” – Ryan W.
- “Slaloming through road cones on a public street in a 1967 Datsun 1600 Roadster.” – Dave P.
- “My pops took me to all the local tracks.” – Patrick Y.

- “He took me, my brother, and my cousins to an empty parking lot and did donuts.” – James G.
- “I remember him taking me to my first tractor pull because he knew I loved it!” – Rick L.
- “When I watch him take his SL 125 Honda and do a wheelie off the starting line.” – Brad C.
- “Riding dirt bikes cross country via back roads.” – Mike C.
Got a memory you’d like to share? Drop it in the comments below!