Editor’s Note: OnAllCylinders is dedicated to keeping enthusiasts informed about legislation that could affect their hobby. We’ve created a semi-regular feature, “Legislative News,” to highlight important government bills and other legislation that could positively or negatively impact hot rodding, racing, or off-roading.
California Bill to Extend Off Highway Motor Vehicle Program Approved by Committee

Legislation (A.B. 1077) to extend California’s Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program until 2019 was approved by the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee on a 9–0 vote.
The program is currently slated to expire at the end of 2017. The bill will be considered next by the Appropriations Committee.
The OHMVR program provides funds to local, state and federal agencies, educational institutions and nonprofit entities for OHV management on both federal and state lands.
California’s Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation program was established in 1971.
Learn more about A.B. 1077 here.
Legislation (L.D. 1150) has been introduced in Maine to establish a task force to guide the development of a mileage-based user fee pilot program to be implemented instead of the gas tax. The bill would create the Road Usage Charge Task Force to guide the development of a mileage-based user fee pilot program for Maine’s highways and bridges as an alternative to the gas tax system.
According to SEMA: “In addition to creating privacy concerns, the results of the committee’s study could penalize national efforts to create a more fuel-efficient vehicle fleet by taxing drivers based on vehicle mileage. As gas tax revenues decrease due to hybrid and electric vehicle ownership, states are looking for new sources of funding for pet projects.”
Great, more cash for Taxifornia general fun as usual!