Our friends at Summit Racing asked folks to share photos of their garage or shop. People obliged.
There are infinitely more garage pictures than we were able to share here, but you can see for yourself by checking out the post on Summit Racing’s Facebook page.
But, from the humble to the elaborate, we loved looking through the shared photos and catching a glimpse of our fellow enthusiasts’ personal stories.
Jeff D.’s Garage
“Bought a garage. Came with a house.”

Larry G.’s Garage
Joe M.’s Garage
“The 10 x 20 I started with, and the 24 x 40 I finished with.”
Jimmy S.’s Garage
“Texas Wing Modified put away for winter!”

Junior S.’s Garage
John J.’s Garage
Mike M.’s Garage
“Installing Vintage Air I purchased from Summit Racing. More parts needed.”

Mitch N.’s Garage
“It’s a mess, but there’s some cool stuff lurking in there.”

Philip D.’s Garage
“Just moved in. Getting it all organized. Exciting times.”

Roy F.’s Garage
Sean R.’s Garage
“Work in progress. Finishing fixtures today.”

Steve P.’s Garage
“Still working on getting it finished!”

Tommi V.’s Barn
“Barn with dirt floor, but hey, it’s got a roof. In winter, it’s colder inside than it is outside. One day I will have a garage that has a floor and perhaps even insulation in the walls. Who knows?”

Keith S.’s ‘Garageroom’
“Don’t have a garage yet, but I do have a garageroom. It works. Not ideal, but I was able to build my engine in my PJs.”

Jim F.’s Garage
Jason H.’s ‘Roof’
“It’s more like a roof, but it’s a place to do the work.”

Jason D.’s Garage
“Had to find an angle that showed off the banner but didn’t show the mess on the other side!”

John D.’s Garage
“Never big enough. There’s also some cars outside.”

Jason F.’s Garage
“Built earlier this year. Still trying to get everything organized and the electrical work done. It’s been a mess since I started moving things in.”

Karel R.’s Garage (in Iceland)

John M.’s Garage
Tony M.’s Garage
“Work in progress. Just moved in three months ago.”

Rafael T.’s Garage
Ricky M.’s Garage
“Not huge, but functional.”

Kevin C.’s Garage
“Built five years ago, ran electric two years ago, and getting ready for a V8 swap in my old ’84 S-10.”

Marc S.’s Garage
“40 x 60 shop. I need more cars and trucks.”

David K.’s Garage
“So unorganized right now. Removing wood benches and shelving, and replacing with metal rack system.”

David F.’s ‘Race Shop’
“My race shop. Naturally cooled. LOL.”

Daniel T.’s Garage
Christian G.’s Garage
“Ongoing project, but already feels like home.”

Chris T.’s Garage
Brandon H.’s Garage
“It’s not perfect, but it’s my favorite place on earth.”

Bobby H.’s Garage
Tony M.’s Garage
“This is where I spend most of my retirement time.”

Gilbert V.’s Garage
“If you look close in the middle, there’s my 4-year-old daughter’s work table. Mine’s on the other side of the fridge hidden in the corner. We step on each other’s toes a lot in this tight spot!”

Jay S.’s Garage
“Do what you can with what you’ve got.”

Gil S.’s Garage
“My happy place.”

David V.’s Garage

Dusty L.’s Garage

Edmund V.’s Garage
“Too small for so much muscle!”

Eric S.’s Garage
“Sometimes things are tight with the cars, and full refrigerator, workbench, toolbox, etc…but it all works!”

Glad to see garages that are being used instead of pristine ones. I don’t feel so bad…LoL.
its great to see the wide variety of spaces used im jealous i drive 244 mi stay there 3-4 days at a time from stl mo down 44 to crane mo to build a friend his t-bucket dream.. crazy? nope working on a project mine or not keeps me sane nice job summit oh and btw my summit shirt umm shrank lets go with that excuse i hope there’s 1 in my order tat arrives today lol
the brokehippie
I just bought a house, with a 2 car garage – really chomping at the bit to store my van and set everything up…!