Q. I’m updating the fuel system on my turbocharged Mustang. The car is mainly used on the track, but it does see some shows and other events. With my setup, I require a streetable fuel pump capable of supporting just over 1,200 horsepower. What do you recommend?
A. Aeromotive is one of the first names that comes to mind for dependable fuel management. The company recently released variable-speed brushless fuel pumps for high-horsepower applications that regularly see less than full-power operation.
High-horsepower engines—especially boosted ones—require a large-volume pump to meet demand under wide-open throttle. However, these pumps can create hot fuel handling issues when cruising.
For example, if you’re running a full 15 gallon tank and have a pump capable of flowing 210 gph (3.5 gpm), the tank’s contents are recycled nearly every four minutes during light loads. The recycle time gets shorter as fuel capacity is reduced or with a larger pump.
As the fuel continuously moves through the lines to the fuel rails, it absorbs ambient heat, reducing density and leading to possible pump cavitation and vapor lock.
Aeromotive solves this problem with its True Variable Speed (TVS) module, now available in the brushless series pumps. It uses the TPS or similar 0-5V reference signal to control the pump’s output, reducing it by up to 70% under light-throttle operation to decrease fuel recycling, tank temperatures, and pump noise. Under heavy load, the pump’s output returns to full capacity.
While this type of technology has been around for brush-style pumps (like in Aeromotive’s Fuel Pump Controller), it’s new for these brushless pumps, which will not accept Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control.