More important than ETs, checkered flags, and horsepower is racer safety. Which is why our pals over at Summit Racing released a Racing Safety Gear Video Series highlighting some essential pieces of safety equipment every racer needs to have in order to compete safely.
While we’ve covered this topic before in our Racing Helmets 101 article, the video below from Summit Racing goes into a bit more detail, and gives you a nice visual component to reinforce what you’re hearing.
And though it mainly focuses on motorcycle helmets, you may want to read this post on how to inspect a helmet for damage and deterioration.
At over seven minutes long, this video doesn’t skimp on the details either. It’s a great introduction to the topic of racing safety and racing helmets. If you’re interested in getting started in motorsports, it’s a must-watch.
And even if you’re an experienced racer, it’s still worth checking out, considering how fast standards change and safety tech evolves nowadays.